Training and retraining

Human resources <>Training and retraining

Aktau Petrolium offers its employees both professional and individual training and development to ensure better productivity and to ensure the Company achieves its production objectives; and also, to improve the skills employees need to perform their work safely, reliably and effectively.

Staff training is an investment to the future of a company. Capital investment in professional development helps create a favorable team climate, increases employee motivation and loyalty to company, and ensures management succession.

Using annual results of personnel performance planning, appraisal and development, as well as production requirements and any changes in the production process (including the implementation of new techniques, the development of new projects to improve employee qualifications and skills), the training department offers all Aktau Petrolium units training in health and safety, environmental protection; guarantees the reliability and improved abilities of managers, supervisors and other company employees.

Professional development has a positive impact on employees themselves. By improving qualifications and obtaining new skills and knowledge, employees see new career growth prospectives. This is especially important in today’s rapid development of technology and production processes.

The mission of all Aktau Petrolium training department units is to help the business flourish and increase the prosperity of the company by training and developing personnel.

The main stages of personnel training and development include:

  • defining training objectives in accordance with the Company"s mission, business objectives and key competencies;
  • identifying strategy in personnel training;
  • identifying training requirements;
  • defining short-term and long-term training goals;
  • choosing types of training that rely on objectives and economic feasibility: inter-firm training, training with outside providers;
  • creating an annual training budget and forecasting costs for the coming years;
  • searching for and selecting providers, holding talks and drafting service agreements;
  • organizing the training process within internal training frameworks, sending employees on training to training centers;
  • assessing the effectiveness of training.

Internal company training is carried out directly on the company’s premises by engaging leading Company specialists as instructors. This form includes providing technical training in various professions and various targeted courses.

Training with involvement of external providers. Over the years the Aktau Petrolium training and personnel development units have built effective long-term relations and worked with training centers that provide manager and specialist training services.